Monday, September 8, 2008

State Unions Pulling Out Every Trick In The Book To Avoid Budget Cuts...

Correctional officers to launch Schwarzenegger recall

By Shane Goldmacher -

Published 10:10 am PDT Monday, September 8, 2008

Four years and eleven months after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was swept into office in a dramatic recall, the powerful and well-heeled correctional officers' union today will target Schwarzenegger for a recall.

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association will begin the process to recall the Republican governor, a spokesman said today, calling the 2003 recall "a mistake."

Pictured above: Arnold Schwarzenegger in the ironic blockbuster: "Total Recall"

"In the history of bad governors, this is the worst governor we've ever had," said Lance Corcoran, a spokesman for the union. The union is collecting the 65 necessary valid signatures to serve Schwarzenegger a notice-of-intent-to-recall. "This is a man who is a poser. That's what he did, that's how he made his living, posing."

Asked if the union was prepared to dedicate the more than $1 million likely necessary to gather the 1,041,530 signatures to qualify a recall for the ballot, Corcoran said, "We are 100 percent committed and we've never been shy about investing in our commitments." MORE

[So what is this story really about: Nobody wants to lose their yearly budget increases and its pretty well known that the Governator cares mostly about his approval rating. Unions have been running targeted ads blaming the budget stalemate on Republicans who don't care about children "because they don't vote". So here is the next plan of attack - go after the Governator who already waved a white flag to unions after his failed propositions in 06'. So when Lance Corcoran says he wants to recall Arnold - all he is really saying is he wants Arnold to continue begging Republicans to allow tax increases to guarantee extremely fat paychecks for State Correctional Workers].

Just a recap for newbies; Arnold gave up on his attempt to save California when he lost on the three following key propositions. After they failed - he figured 'if you can't beat em, join em'.

Proposition 74: Delays probationary period for new teachers from 2 years to five years, making it easier to terminate teachers with unsatisfactory performance evaluations.

Proposition 75: Prohibits unions from spending money on political campaigns without the consent of their members.

Proposition 76: Constrains spending growth to revenue growth.

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