Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SURPRISE! Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama's Mother) Was Statutorily Raped By His Father

Need Proof.  Count Back The Months On The Recently Released Birth Cert.... (according to wikipedia - Obama's mother was born on NOV.29.1942 -  and our current Pres was born on Aug.04.1961.

But is it really statutory rape if they were married?  In this case yes.  It turns out that it is very likely that Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. was actually still legally married to another woman in Kenya.  However, that issue aside - nobody denies that Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. were 'married' 3 months after Ann became pregnant. 

But... hang on... the Hawaii law for statutory rape is 16 and under- even when one of the couple is 5 or more years older as in the case of Obama's parents.  You can review that law here: .

So if indeed our President was conceived in the State of Hawaii, as all indications show, then the conception of Barack Hussein Obama II (our President) may have been a legal act even if it would have been highly illegal in many other States.   

Update:  Had Ann Dunham been a bit younger... Obama Sr. could have hit the slammer for 20 years:

§ 707-730
First-degree sexual assault to knowingly engage in sexual penetration (1) with someone under age 14 or (2) with someone between age 14 and 16 when the offender is more than five years older. An indeterminate term of 20 years in prison

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blake Griffin Hires Agent; Declares For NBA Draft

Scouts Believe The First Year Power Forward Could Be A Top 5 Selection

Griffin Was Invited To Several NBA Sanctioned Events
Los Angeles (CHN) - Vinny Del Negro could only smile and shrug his shoulders Thursday morning after his star, 6' 10" Blake Griffin, officially announced that he would forgo his remaining contract and enter the 2011 NBA Draft.

"I think he's ready," said Del Negro who helped recruit the youngster from Oklahoma. "We have had NBA talent come through this franchise from time to time in the past but Blake is a cut above; I really think he can be successful at the next level," boasted Del Negro.

Griffin, who averaged a double double for the Clippers, says he's up for the challenge. "I'm excited, I mean, what can I say... everyone who has ever played for the Los Angeles Clippers has dreamed of playing in the NBA. For me, it's really happening - I am just going to go through the process and see where it takes me".

Scouts took notice of Griffin uncanny athleticism, size, and dunking ability; all unusual attributes for a Clipper Player of any age.

But critics remain. "We've seen it before," said former NBA Coach and 1992 Dream Team star Larry Bird. Bird continued, "Danny Manning, Bo Kimble, Michael Olowokandi... These guys all tried to jump from the Clippers to the NBA and it just never seems to happen. I would tell this Griffin kid to stay in school or go back to school and finish his contract; He may be the most talented Clipper of all time; but lets be realistic, this is the NBA".

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