Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SURPRISE! Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama's Mother) Was Statutorily Raped By His Father

Need Proof.  Count Back The Months On The Recently Released Birth Cert.... (according to wikipedia - Obama's mother was born on NOV.29.1942 -  and our current Pres was born on Aug.04.1961.

But is it really statutory rape if they were married?  In this case yes.  It turns out that it is very likely that Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. was actually still legally married to another woman in Kenya.  However, that issue aside - nobody denies that Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. were 'married' 3 months after Ann became pregnant. 

But... hang on... the Hawaii law for statutory rape is 16 and under- even when one of the couple is 5 or more years older as in the case of Obama's parents.  You can review that law here: .

So if indeed our President was conceived in the State of Hawaii, as all indications show, then the conception of Barack Hussein Obama II (our President) may have been a legal act even if it would have been highly illegal in many other States.   

Update:  Had Ann Dunham been a bit younger... Obama Sr. could have hit the slammer for 20 years:

§ 707-730
First-degree sexual assault to knowingly engage in sexual penetration (1) with someone under age 14 or (2) with someone between age 14 and 16 when the offender is more than five years older. An indeterminate term of 20 years in prison


History buff said...

Was Obama the First U.S. President to be conceived or born out of wedlock?
Actually, No. Alexander Hamilton was conceived and born out of wedlock a long long time ago.

Its The Law said...

In Obama had been concieved in CA then his Father Would get 'up to one year in a county jail or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years;

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