Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Final Lesson Of Steve Jobs (That Nobody Is Talking About)

There is no pie.

When you feel frozen in a moment, it can be impossible to see tomorrow or remember yesterday.  This is the moment of Steve Jobs death and right now we are trapped by sadness, pride, admiration, and total lack of understanding for the untold lesson of an American genius.

What if I told you that Steve Jobs has given us the answer to the greatest political and economic questions of the day?

Today and tonight thousands of young (and many not so young) Americans believe themselves to be trapped in a box.  Dare I say... 'a dogma'.  They have gathered and will gather in larger numbers over the coming weeks to express anger, disenfranchisement, expletives, but most of all - delusion.  

Q. Where is our wealth; what have you done with it?

A. Wealth is not static. 

If you asked a protester sleeping tonight in Battery Park if wealthy people or corporations were taking too much of the pie - the universal answer would be 'Damn Right!'

The Jobs example: Damn wrong!

The same group would freely admit that their lives were changed for the positive by the genius of Steve Jobs. They would say that the hard earned or hard borrowed money that they spent on Apple products were for their betterment and that they would be worse off without them (we all would).  They couldn't be more right.

That is the moment of truth - wealth is not static.  Wealth is created and need not be taken from one to share with another.  The creation of technology, efficiencies, and concept adds not to the individual but to all. Sound like a model for a Communist Utopia?  Nope, just a plain utopia.

The amount of money and wealth in the United States of America is not static; it grows and sometimes it shrinks. But over time the amount of wealth of America has skyrocketed. Collective wealth is increased every time a new idea is put forth to save energy.  Collective wealth is manifested every single time a new technology creates a synergy where none existed before.  Collective wealth is generated every single time one additional person participates in the ultimate capitalistic venture of... demand meeting supply. 

Steve Jobs made America and the world wealthier than it could have been without him.  No person or company (including Microsoft) went without so Steve Jobs could have more .  While we all went along for the ride, no person gave so he could take.  This is the nature of all free market business; the result of innovation, the reality of competition, the risk of investment.

The enemy to innovation and the foil to wealth is corruption. But corruption cannot create wealth; it can only imprison it and destroy it.  The Protesters believe they are called to action to right the wrongs of corporate abuse; after all, where is their piece of the pie?

There is no pie.

The call to tax one at a higher rate than another demands the corruption of thought that wealth is static. It demands and implies that the concept of real demand meeting actual supply can't possibly be fair. Certainly the omnipresent nature of greed must be righted by a third party; a third party that need not participate in any fair market for its own success or failure.   

Steve Jobs added tremendous wealth to the human experience.  Even after he was thrown from his own kitchen, he baked his own delicious pie and all 99% of us get to eat it.   

We are the 99%. We can only be trapped by our own dogma.   

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here's Why Perry/Christie Will Beat Obama/Biden 305 to 233 In The 2012 Electoral College

Extra Extra - The 2012 Election Just Took Shape
Jul.22.2011. The Plastico.

People like maps - so lets get right on it.  First immediately below is the 2008 Map that a Republican has to re-paint:

How Does the Perry Team Change the Minds of 10 Million Americans?
First off, Obama absolutely dominated McCain down the stretch of the 08' election.  The map indicates a strong sweep in which Obama received 7 million more votes than any person in U.S. history.


How Does Perry Make that 2012 Map A Reality?
  1. Take back the easy reds.  Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia are red leaners that immediately swap 57 Electoral Votes.  Virginia will be tough because huge increases in federal spending have made the northern part of state a quasi DC extension of government money grubbers .  But while the DNC chose North Carolina for their convention they have no chance to hold it and it will prove a wasted opportunity to hold a crucial state such as Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, Wisconsin or even Nevada.  The RNC chose Tampa and that will in part help win Florida back (which is a must).  This leaves Perry down 236 to 302.
  2. Indiana. 11 key electoral votes and Obama won the state in 08 despite 9 straight previous GOP wins.  A key opportunity for Perry and a border state to Illinois. This leaves Perry down 247 to 291
  3. Nevada. Just 6 EC votes but it will be highly contended. Harry Reid won re-election against the tide last November.  However, Reid barely won against a Tea Party candidate that was rough on the eyes and on the campaign trail. Perry is a bit closer to Nevada's heart and he wont miss a chance to exploit the nations worst housing market. This leaves Perry down 253 to 285
  4. Iowa and Colorado.  Both difficult States to judge and both highly in play.  Colorado had gone red 9 of 10 elections prior to 08'.  Iowa is a true swing state but will be turned by the heavy primary work being done by Republicans who will have framed the '12 election into a shape that doesn't fit any picture of Barack Obama. This closes the gap to 270-268 in favor of B.O.
  5. CHAOS. Tim Russert will roll over in his grave for missing the chance to put this scenario on the chalk board (but the truth is that if it's a tie - Perry wins). Nebraska has a split vote policy and McCain won 4/5ths of the state in '08.  If Perry gets 5/5 of the red state... then the electoral college would be tied and The House of Representatives (As per the 12th Amendment) would elect Perry based on a likely GOP majority.
  6. The Road to 305.  Surely you must have noticed that New Jersey was still on the block. Enter Christie, who is finally able to hand NJ to the GOP.  Ohio, also still on the table, is more likely to recant their 08' votes than Indiana or Virginia and they will.  New Hampshire has been blue for 4 of the last 5 but Christie strikes again and his appeal should bring the 'Live Free or Die' state back in a year that will have long forgotten the hope and change of '08.  Don't think that scenerio is reasonable? It is and it is exactly the 2004 Bush re-election map minus NM and plus NJ and NH.
The final story of 2012
Obama and Perry will circle Obama's home state of Illinois.  But the fighting over Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan is a battlefield of Political death for Obama.  The dirty secret is that a Perry/Christie team could lose all of those and still take the election 270-268 or 269-269 (hereafter dubbed the Perry tie).  New Mexico might simply be forgotten by both candidates and we left it unchanged from '08.  

Uh... OK-
We hear you, back that ass up J-Lo... How did we get here to begin with???

What happened to Romney vs. Bachman? 
The news stories of July '11 will be just a mere headache in 16 months.  Here is a short time-line on how it came to be:

August 2011: Rick Perry announces his candidacy and provides a certificate of live birth. Within days his poll numbers match or beat Romney and Bachman in Iowa. 

February 2011: Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada = Perry, Romney, Perry (or something close to that).  Romney has essentially led the Republican Primary for the past 3 years but not in a way that a health care busting primary season would prefer and's Perry time to tell a patriotic story about his job creating, housing market fixing, deficit reducing future

Why New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for VP?
Two main goals have to be met for the selection of a Vice President in a highly competitive effort to unseat a sitting President.  Can a candidate be found who can both excite the base and appeal to swing voters to win key states. Tim Pawlenty, Scott Brown, Dave Petraeus, Michelle Bachman, John Huntsman, and Mike Pence get about 50-75% of that formula - only Chris Christie is a slam dunk on both.  He wont accept a VP nomination if he thinks Perry can't win because he would smartly wait to run for President in 2016.  So if Christie joins, it's a curtain call for Obama.  Also, as Dick Cheney proved, you can be a little fat and ugly and still be VP. Christie would likely argue that he's not all that ugly.

Wont it be a liability to be 'another Governor from Texas'?
Perry has to win the Republican primary and then win the Electoral College.  If he could boast his same resume while being the governor of Michigan or Ohio then he would be the ideal Obama buster.  But being from Texas wont be the problem that Democrats will say it's going to be.  When Obama talks about the jobs that actually were created, Perry can claim that half of them (yes half) were created in Texas under his Governorship.  So Perry can take credit for a chunk of the good and yet still plaster Obama on stimulus, health care, debt, and the Californication of the country.

Being from Texas might make Democrats like him less, but all Perry needs is the strongest Republican base turnout since 2000 plus 53-55% of Independents and he will sweep his way to D.C.  By no metric will Obama increase his 08' voter turnout and enthusiasm from Democrats, Independents, and young voters. 

The Herman Cain effect might even help him narrow the 08' Black vote down from 96% to... well never-mind. 

One last note on the Texas subject - Perry and W are not the closest of friends; in fact, Perry severed that relationship some time ago with some criticism that did not set well with the Bushy clan but will indeed sit well with voters in 2012. 

What about this Secession thing?
True.  Rick Perry did have some uncomfortable statements a while back concerning a states right or lack thereof to secede.  However, 150 years after the Civil War this issue will probably fall flat with most voters as being simply irrelevant. 

And for those still holding out hope that Caribou Barbie will enter the race and save the world... keep hope alive and send in your tea party dollars where she asks you to send them (she will be a fundraiser and not a candidate).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

MIchael Jackson's 'Starlight'... The Original Thriller

The Title Track of MJ's Best Album Wasn't Always Thriller - Check it out:


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SURPRISE! Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama's Mother) Was Statutorily Raped By His Father

Need Proof.  Count Back The Months On The Recently Released Birth Cert.... (according to wikipedia - Obama's mother was born on NOV.29.1942 -  and our current Pres was born on Aug.04.1961.

But is it really statutory rape if they were married?  In this case yes.  It turns out that it is very likely that Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. was actually still legally married to another woman in Kenya.  However, that issue aside - nobody denies that Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. were 'married' 3 months after Ann became pregnant. 

But... hang on... the Hawaii law for statutory rape is 16 and under- even when one of the couple is 5 or more years older as in the case of Obama's parents.  You can review that law here: .

So if indeed our President was conceived in the State of Hawaii, as all indications show, then the conception of Barack Hussein Obama II (our President) may have been a legal act even if it would have been highly illegal in many other States.   

Update:  Had Ann Dunham been a bit younger... Obama Sr. could have hit the slammer for 20 years:

§ 707-730
First-degree sexual assault to knowingly engage in sexual penetration (1) with someone under age 14 or (2) with someone between age 14 and 16 when the offender is more than five years older. An indeterminate term of 20 years in prison

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blake Griffin Hires Agent; Declares For NBA Draft

Scouts Believe The First Year Power Forward Could Be A Top 5 Selection

Griffin Was Invited To Several NBA Sanctioned Events
Los Angeles (CHN) - Vinny Del Negro could only smile and shrug his shoulders Thursday morning after his star, 6' 10" Blake Griffin, officially announced that he would forgo his remaining contract and enter the 2011 NBA Draft.

"I think he's ready," said Del Negro who helped recruit the youngster from Oklahoma. "We have had NBA talent come through this franchise from time to time in the past but Blake is a cut above; I really think he can be successful at the next level," boasted Del Negro.

Griffin, who averaged a double double for the Clippers, says he's up for the challenge. "I'm excited, I mean, what can I say... everyone who has ever played for the Los Angeles Clippers has dreamed of playing in the NBA. For me, it's really happening - I am just going to go through the process and see where it takes me".

Scouts took notice of Griffin uncanny athleticism, size, and dunking ability; all unusual attributes for a Clipper Player of any age.

But critics remain. "We've seen it before," said former NBA Coach and 1992 Dream Team star Larry Bird. Bird continued, "Danny Manning, Bo Kimble, Michael Olowokandi... These guys all tried to jump from the Clippers to the NBA and it just never seems to happen. I would tell this Griffin kid to stay in school or go back to school and finish his contract; He may be the most talented Clipper of all time; but lets be realistic, this is the NBA".

Courtesy of:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Buzz Kill: LA County Wants You To Take Ecstasy Safely

Buzz Kill: LA County Wants You To Take Ecstasy Safely

(Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES (CBS) —The glow-stick industry may be buzzing over the latest public service announcement from Los Angeles County, but some say it amounts to an backhanded endorsement of illicit drug use.

Amid ongoing debate over
safety and security measures at rave dance parties held at the Los Angeles Coliseum, county health officials have quietly launched a campaign to offer guidelines for safe use of MDMA, more popularly known as “ecstasy”.

county ecstasy flier Buzz Kill: LA County Wants You To Take Ecstasy SafelyOfficials plan to distribute leaflets such as the one pictured below at upcoming events with tips on ways to avoid overdosing on what the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration classifies along with PCP and mescaline as a Schedule I narcotic.

LA County is set to debut this flyer on "Ecstasy: How To Minimize Potential Harms". (credit:

The death of a 15-year-old girl and hundreds of injuries at the 14th annual Electric Daisy Carnival held in the publicly-owned Los Angeles Coliseum in June 2010 sparked a public backlash over the potential safety hazards of hosting upwards of 180,000 young people, but the Coliseum Commission says it intends to move ahead with the event this year.
Courtesy of CBS-LA

Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentine's Day Dinner Round-Up - You Still Have Time!

If you have the balls to eat out on Valentines day...Well, you may as well do it right. Here our your Plastico approved options for 2011:

vday bigThere are still a couple of weeks to secure your table of love for Valentine's Day, and plenty of local restaurants want to help you set the mood—after they set your table. One fine dining favorite is even offering a complete gourmet meal for two to take home and eat wherever you like. Heck, it's none of our business. XOXO

A.O.C. Wine Bar
8022 West 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90048
tel: 323-652-6259 

When: February 14, 2011
Price: $85 per person; choose five savory dishes per couple and one dessert each from extensive menu
Menu highlights: Chicken liver crostini with pancetta; duck confit, black rice, pomegranate, walnuts; root vegetables, burrata, aged balsamic; olive oil cake with chocolate, pistachios and candied ornge
The Romance: Suzanne Goin's market-driven small plates are ideal for sharing, and fork swapping.

624 La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
tel: 323-938-1447

When: February 14, 2011
Price: $75 per person; four courses
Menu highlights: Baked oysters, grilled prime rib, spinach ravioli, chocolate truffle cake
The Romance: Housed in a dramatic historic structure built in 1929, Campanile is classic L.A. glamor.

Drago Centro
525 South Flower Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071

The Romance: Nothing's sexier than a fifteen-foot high, glass-enclosed wine tower.
When: February 11, 12, 13, and 14, 2011
Price: $65 per person; five courses; $35 wine pairings
Menu highlights: Seared diver scallop, salsify, asparagus, blood orange; wild mushroom & truffle risotto; duo of beef, polenta, brussels sprouts; pavolva, passion fruit, strawberry, candied flowers
Extras: live entertainment on Friday and Saturday

La Cachette Bistro
1733 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90401
tel: 310-434-9509

When: February 11, 12, 13, and 14, 2011
Price: $80 per person; five courses
Menu highlights: Organic egg and caviar with crème fraiche; hot atlantic oysters with champagne sauce; scallop carpaccio with black truffle and porcinis; white Pekin duck with cabernet sauce and braised red cabbage; homemade chocolate truffles to take home
The Romance: Chef Jean-Michel Metignier is calling this "Amour Tapas"—oh-la-la.

8474 Melrose Ave
West Hollywood, CA 90069
tel: 323-655-6277

When: February 14, 2011
Price: $110 per person; four courses
Menu highlights: Parisian gnocchi with asparagus, english peas, green garlic and parmesan; grilled niman ranch club steak for two with potato purée. arugula, and horseradish cream; tarte au fromage with meyer lemon, blueberry compote and candied lemon
The Romance: A seat by the wood-burning fireplace turns up the heat.

1104 Wilshire Boulevard
Santa Monica, CA 90401

When: February 12, 13, and 14, 2011
Price: $135 per person for three courses on Sat. and Sun.; $250 per person for four courses on Mon.
Menu highlights: "Hot and Cold Foie Gras," Artichoke, Mandarin and Lavendere; Main Lobster Bolognese, fresh capellini, truffle froth; filet of beef and braised cheek, crushed potatoes, morel mushrooms, Béarnaise, natural jus; Assorted Mélisse Dessert
The Romance: Tufted stools, a quiet room, and contemporary French cuisine as good looking as your date.

Napa Valley Grille
1100 Glendon Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
tel: 310-825-3322

When: February 14, 2011
Price: specials ranging from $6-$29
Menu highlights: Smoked chicken griddle cake, young garlic, sugar snap peas, pea tendrils; roasted diver scallop with spring carrot flan, saffron vinaigrette; goat cheese tart with black berries, white honey
The Romance: No prix fixe menu here—the Westwood Village spot is all about free love, letting couples choose-their-own culinary adventure.

10250 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90067
tel: 310-556-2452

When: February 14, 2011
Price: $60 per couple, wine pairings for two $30; four courses
Menu highlights: Duo di salumi or duo vegetable fritti; duo di Mozzarella de Bufala with Truffles; Duo de Paste or Smoked Fish Duo, St. Valentine Dessert
The Romance: Dripping lumps of creamy mozzarella shipped straight from Italy to your mouths. Also tonight's "duos" menu is perfect for sharing.

Oliverio at Avalon Hotel
9400 W. Olympic Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
tel: 310-277-5221

When: February 14, 2011
Price: $65 per person, wine pairings additional $35
Menu highlights: Chitarra pasta made with lobster, roasted tomatoes, and asparagus; spicy roasted chicken with escarole; chocolate buffet.
Extras: Dieting love birds can experience a lighter, small-plates menu (think salmon crudo).
The Romance: The all-chocolate dessert buffet is called Choco-Sutra (ooooooh!) and features triple chocolate truffle pizzettas to cinnamon and red chili-infused pot de crèmes.

321 North Robertson Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90048
tel: 310-271-0576

When: February 11, 12, and 14, 2011
Price: $75 per person; four courses
Menu highlights:  Kumamoto oyster, caviar, pink peppercorn, vodka; tenderloin, lardons, porcini, tarragon, truffle, Fresno chili; rainbow trout,  haricot verts, almonds, parsley, lemon; white chocolate fondue
Extras: includes 30g Classic Transmontanus Caviar
The Romance: Um, it's caviar—along with the oyster it's one of the sea's most well-known aphrodisiacs.

8910 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232
tel: 310-559-6300

When: February 14, 2011
Price: Four-course prix fixe, $65 per person
Menu highlights: "Love Bites" sharable platter with coconut saffron shrimp, cilantro crab bites, and yogurt clouds; pomegranate lamb on basmati with royal cumin; creamy black lentils with spinach and roses.
Extras: complimentary glass of champagne
The Romance: For Valentine's Day, this Japanese "cosplay" maid café (some people are into that) transforms into a elegant venue for a sensual Indian meal crafted by chef Kaumudi Marathé of Un-Curry. Silk pillows anyone?

Saddle Peak Lodge
419 Cold Canyon Road
Calabasas, CA 91302
tel: 818-222-3888

When: February 12, 13, and 14, 2011
Price: $150 per person; four courses
Menu highlights: Kumamoto oysters poached in a champagne lemon verbena cream with herbs and American caviar; butter poached lobster "Thai style" sweet, salty, and spicy; Grilled New Zealand elk tenderloin with currants, arugula, sweet potato and celery root; banana bread pudding with huckleberries and vanilla ice cream
The Romance:  Set the mood in log cabin with mounted deer heads, hunting gear, and other uber-masculine memorabilia lining the walls—plus a crackling fireplace.

11648 San Vincente Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90049
tel: 310-806-6466

When: February 14, 2011
Price: $85 per person; four courses
Menu highlights: Wild mushroom tart with young onions, gruyère and herb salad; herb-roasted rack of lamb with tapenade, arugula and artichoke-potato gratin; chocolate and gianduja cake with coffee and salted caramel ice cream.
Extras: The Larder is offering a take-home dinner complete with wine and candies with 48-hours notice!
The Romance: Gaze at the stars through the glass-roofed atrium and sip something sumptuous from the bar. Take a pastry from the larder for breakfast in bed tomorrow.

Viceroy Santa Monica
1819 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90401
tel: 310-260-7511

When: February 13, 14, 2011
Price: $95 per person; includes four-courses, champagne tasting, customized scrub
Menu highlights: Lobster with risotto, apple, shies, and kaffir lime broth; chocolate tartufo with salted hazelnuts.
The Romance: Dinner is served poolside. After the meal, couples go to a "scent tent" to play with aromatherapy oils and create a customized body scrub to take home.

Vu Restaurant
14160 Palawan Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
tel: 310-439-3032

When: February 14, 2011
Price: $120 per couple; $200 with beverages; seven courses
Menu highlights: Grilled cheese with toasted brioche, "midnight moon", tomato jam, micro basil; King Cole Duck, creamy goat cheese polenta, dried cherries, chocolate-red wine reduction; dark chocolate mousse, strawberry ice cream, rose gel, dusting of flowers
The Romance: Smack on the oh-so-scenic marina, Vu's molecular gastronomy menu is playful and full of whimsy.

Wilshire Restaurant
2454 Wilshire Boulevard
Santa Monica, CA 90403
tel: 310-586-1707

When: February 14, 2011
Price: full menu available ranging from $12-$45
Menu highlights: Kumamoto oysters dynamite; tahitian squash ravioli with brown butter, sage, parmesan, crispy kale, and hazelnuts; whole fried Thai snapper with soba noodles.
The Romance: The sprawling multi-tiered patio is studded with fire-pits to keep things hot.


LA's Catholic elementary schools to add 20 days to their calendar

Amber Valencia works with children in her first-grade class at Nativity School.

Cardinal Roger Mahony announced that L.A. Catholic Schools will be the first in the State to adopt a 200-day School year. The announcement was made at Nativity School in Los Angeles.

Hoping to boost academic achievement among its elementary school students, the Los Angeles Archdiocese announced Thursday it will add 20 days to its school calendar, which will boost tuition by 10 percent next year.

The calendar change will affect 52,000 students at 210 Catholic elementary schools in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, and makes the system the first in the state to have a 200-day calendar. Read Full Article 

Monday, January 24, 2011

So What The Hell Is Going On With Prop 13?

The one thing that really annoys liberals in the State of California is that there is one tax category that we do not lead or nearly lead the nation in.  Keep in mine that 'lead' means the worst rate for you.  That category is 'Property Taxes'.  If you are retired or you simply live in a home that's paid off, Proposition 13 and it's limits on taxes may be the only feather in your hat and may just be the only reason you are still sticking around a state with near 13% unemployment and little good news coming down the economic pike.  

So when Jerry Brown immeidately took aim at massaging Prop 13, well, you can imagine the happiness from the left.  But first - a wider view of the tax picture for the once 'Golden State':

That last one is exactly what angers the left in California. So just how cheap are the property taxes in California?  Well, we pay an average of $1,000.00 more than the average American on property taxes per capita.  Aint that a bitch.  So here is the lefts argument: We are cheating our schools because our tax burden per value of home comes out near the middle of the pack. 
The left viewpoint is:

Are they right?


What might you do to cling to the last manageable tax burden in the state?

In reality... probably nothing.  But you can join this Facebook Group:

Best wishes.


The jobless rate in Los Angeles County hit a new record high of 13 percent in December, while the statewide rate ticked up to 12.5 percent. 

The county rate rose two-tenths of a percentage point from November to December. Meanwhile, December's showing means the state's monthly jobless rate remained above 12 percent for all of 2010, even as the national unemployment rate decreased in December to 9.4 percent. 

The report released Friday by the state Employment Development Department said the number of Californians holding jobs dropped 25,000 from November. The number of jobless Californians rose to nearly 2.27 million, an increase of 3,000 from November.   Read More: DAILY BREEZE 

Publish Post
county jobless figures

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